Album Art

Here's a collection of album art I've created, whether for personal or client use.

Made with Affinity Photo
© Stormy Kara 2020-2022

Target Practice

Target Practice

A cover for a song titled Target Practice. The song uses samples from an atomic bomb awareness PSA from the Cold War era, with the tagline "You are the target". I used imagery of a mushroom cloud due to this sample being used in the song.

A commission from Graphic Wonder for an EP of theirs. I tried to emulate their brand and style in this EP cover.

Target Practice

A commission from Graphic Wonder for an EP of theirs. I tried to emulate their brand and style in this EP cover.

Target Practice

A more minimalist cover for a single titled Tainted Blood. I decided to let the art speak for itself and included the song title and artist name in a more subdued manner.


© 2023 Stormy Kara