Amtraker Website Redesign

A friend of mine runs the Amtrak train tracking site He wanted to redesign the site, so I offered to draft a new design for the website.

Click on an image to open it up in a new tab to see it better!

Made with Affinity Photo
© Stormy Kara 2022

Amtraker Landing Page

Amtraker Landing Page

The landing page for the website, showing the map with trains, as well as UI elements such as search and toggles.

This shows the information boxes for saved trains, as well as an info box for trains on the map that the user clicks on. Clicking on a train info box will zoom in and focus on that train on the map.

Amtraker Saved Trains

This shows the information boxes for saved trains, as well as an info box for trains on the map that the user clicks on. Clicking on a train info box will zoom in and focus on that train on the map.

Amtraker Search Page

The website would allow the user to search active trains by number or name. Clicking on a train search result box will zoom in and focus on that train on the map.

A page showing all station stops of a train, showing its arrival and departure for each station, along with its status.

Amtraker Stations

A page showing all station stops of a train, showing its arrival and departure for each station, along with its status.

Amtraker Train ID

A closer look at the identification used for trains on the map.


© 2023 Stormy Kara